能将淋浴变成豪华水疗 - 使用淋浴蒸笼芳香疗法,注入天然和有机的精油能为您提供最佳的淋浴体验。 清爽的香味蒸汽,放松身心,对于那些喜欢淋浴而不是沐浴但仍然想要享受温泉体验的人们, 只需将一块淋浴片放在淋浴的角落,让天然香气融化您的压力,快速蒸汽,包裹您的感官,让您恢复活力。Turn your shower into a luxurious spa - with a shower steamer a
The customer custom-made 30g shower tablets in 12 bags of 3,000 sets, the customer found that the weight of the single piece of the product was 33-35g when the customer came to the factory to check th
The customer placed his first order for 8,000 sets of 12-pack shower tablets for sale on Amazon in December last year, and in August this year the customer placed another order for 12,000 sets. When t
Client Background:North American ground store chainProduct: 6% Aromatherapy Shower TabletsQuantity: 100,000 tablets of 5 scentsPackaging: tinfoil wrapped products into heaven and earth lid boutique bo