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3.12Debby+Can you use bath bombs while pregnant?

According to the LUSH website, if used as intended, most of their products — including their popular bath bombs — are totally safe to use during pregnancy. The company stated that they follow a set of



Today I will introduce one of my order customers.He is a customer from the live broadcast room. From the first 1,000 soap trays, he has returned orders four times in just six months, and the quantity


3.1Debby+Do bath bombs expire?

Nearly all the ingredients used to make bath bombs have their own expiry date, which also means that bath bombs can and will eventually expire.When talking about the shelf life of a bath bomb, this re


2.29Debby shower steamer案例

Today I want to share a shower steamer sample for customers.A customer was interested in a square-shaped shower steamer. After inviting the customer into the live broadcast room, the customer had no s


2.28+Debby shower steamers案例

I have a new customer who has never sold a shower steamer before. Initially, she was hesitant, so it was conservatively recommended to order 500 units. However, to our surprise, her products sold exce
