0412-Vicky-Can you use a bath bomb in a jacuzzi tub?

vicky   ·   发表于 10个月前   ·   爆炸盐使用教程及功效

It is OK to use bath bombs in jacuzzi tubs, but there are some things to consider.

Most bath bombs contain oil, spices, and colorants, which may block the sewer or leave residues in the bathtub pipes. This may lead to subsequent maintenance problems.

If the bath bomb contains flash agents or large plant components, it may also cause problems in the filtration of the bathtub.

Use bath bombs in jacuzzi tubs it is very important to choose a bath bomb specially designed for massage bathtubs. You can first ask the manufacturer of the massage bathtub for specific suggestions or warnings about using bath bombs. This helps to ensure that you can enjoy a relaxing soak and will not cause any damage to the bathtub.

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