0328-Vicky-Can pregnant women use bath bombs?

vicky   ·   发表于 10个月前   ·   爆炸盐使用教程及功效

Many people like to use bath bombs for bathing, but did you know that pregnant women can use bath bombs?

It is not recommended for pregnant women to take a bath with explosive salt, because explosive salt contains sodium chloride and other ingredients, especially bath bombs containing some ingredients such as artificial spices, essential oils, or strong chemicals. These ingredients may affect potential allergens or irritants in pregnant women or developing fetuses.

In addition, some essential oils common in bath bombs (such as lavender or mint) may be unsafe during pregnancy because of their efficacy and the risk of premature uterine contraction for hormone levels.

For pregnant women, doctors should be consulted before using any new products (including bath bombs) to ensure that they are safe for both mothers and babies. If they are not sure, it is best to be cautious and choose mild natural products specially prepared for pregnant women.

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