2024.3.19 - Nora - Do CBD bath bombs work?

norayan   ·   发表于 11个月前   ·   爆炸盐使用教程及功效

A CBD oil alone wouldn’t dissolve in water, so you wouldn't really reap any benefits by pouring it directly into your bath. However, the bath bombs combine the CBD with other ingredients that make it water soluble so it can be absorbed by your skin. In turn, your body feels the positive effects of CBD and elements like epsom salts and essential oils, nourishing you both inside and out.  

CBD bath bombs provide four main benefits that any person would appreciate in this stressful, busy world.

CBD oil in different doses, has been proven effective in reducing anxiety. In a bath bomb, the oil (combined with other powerful relaxation elements like lavender or chamomile) can be the perfect addition to a self-care routine meant to help de-stress and take a quiet moment to yourself.

Because the bath bomb's CBD is absorbed through the skin, it’s an excellent way to melt away everyday aches and pains, right where they happen. The CBD engages with the body’s own cannabinoid receptors, which is why the pain relief is almost immediate. Some of the reoccurring issues that CBD bath bombs could be useful for are: arthritis, carpal tunnel, generalized back pain, menstraul crampsmuscle spasms, and stiff neck or shoulders due to stress. 

Sometimes, the worst pain can come as a result of inflammation. CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory, so it’s a perfect addition to a workout recovery routine, or any situation where you want to reduce localized inflammation. As said before, finding the right CBD bath bomb can improve your physical health, and allow you to sneak in some self-care as well.

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