2024.3.18- Nora - Do bath bombs clean you?

norayan   ·   发表于 11个月前   ·   爆炸盐使用教程及功效

Cleansing your skin from daily, dirty buildup doesn’t need to happen at the expense of some TLC. Stress from our busy lives and routines can take a toll on both our skin and our mind, and here is where the benefits of bath bombs come in. Deliciously fragrant and skin-smoothing bath bomb ingredients are meant to create a pampering experience where you can decompress and relax before bedtime. So, throw your favorite bath bomb into the tub and bask in fragrant heaven with the ultimate fizzy, bubbly & luxurious night in.

Read on to find out what are bath bombs made of, how to use bath bombs as part of your skin care regimen, and the effect that bath bomb ingredients can have on your skin and on your mind. And who knows, maybe we’ll convince you to cancel your weekend plans and opt for the ultimate bath time pampering session.

We can safely say that bath bombs are the most Insta-friendly skin care products out there, and by now you’ve probably seen loads of bathtub selfies with multicolored waters and candle-lit backdrops. But what are bath bombs really made of and what benefits of bath bombs have made them irresistible to so many of us?

Bath bombs are single-use, spherical blends of smoothing, fragrant extracts and oils that you can toss in your tub before bath time. The primary ingredients are sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, which interact with each other once dissolved in water to create that fizzing effect we know and love. Once this reaction occurs, the bath bomb dissolves and breaks apart, releasing all the good stuff inside: from delicious scents to skin smoothing emollients, which act as softeners on your skin.


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