2024.3.13 - Nora - How to make natural bath bombs?

norayan   ·   发表于 12个月前   ·   爆炸盐使用教程及功效

Anyone with tweens can probably relate to the bath bomb craze that is currently in full swing. If you’re not already on board, bath bombs are hard-packed mixtures of dry ingredients that effervesce (fizz and bubble!) when wet. They’re an extra special treat for bath time.

We’re most definitely fans at our house but, just like with anything, bath bombs can either be full of artificial fragrances and other unwanted ingredients or be au natural.

So, this holiday season, we set out to make our very own Homemade Bath Bombs. And that’s because we thought they’d be a super fun DIY gift for friends and grandmas, and (the best part) – we’d know exactly what is in them!

     1. 100g bicarbonate of soda.

     2. 50g citric acid.

     3.  25g cornflour.

     4. 25g Epsom salt (optional)

     5.  2 tbsp oil – such as sunflower, coconut or olive oil.

     6.  ¼ tsp essential oil, such as orange, lavender or chamomile.

     7. a few drops of liquid food coloring.

     8. orange peel, lavender, or rose petals, to decorate (optional)

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