2024.3.12 - Nora - How to make bath bombs without citric acid?

norayan   ·   发表于 12个月前   ·   爆炸盐使用教程及功效

           Citric acid and baking soda combined will give you the fizziest possible bath bombs, but there are alternatives if you want to avoid the citric acid. People use lemon juice, cream of tartar, or cornstarch. The recipes without citric acid (like the one in this recipe) will be significantly less fizzy than a traditional bath bomb recipe.

1. Sift together dry ingredients: Two cups of baking soda, one cup of buttermilk powder, a quarter cup of cornstarch, and two tablespoons of turmeric powder into a large mixing bowl.

2.  Add a quarter cup of Epsom salt, and whisk all the dry ingredients together.

3. Add the oils: A third of a cup of melted coconut oil, 10-20 drops of turmeric essential oil, and a tablespoon of almond oil.

4. Switch to mixing with your hands. You’re looking for a texture similar to damp sand.

5. If your mixture feels dry, spritz 1-2 times with witch hazel, and continue to mix with your hands. Repeat until it feels like you could build a sand castle with it.

6. Mold the bath bombs. Tightly pack one half of a bath bomb mold, and then scoop the other half until it’s heaping.

7. Press the two halves together firmly, and twist, pulling one side away.

8. Gently tap the remaining side to unmold the bath bomb.

Place bath bombs on a soft, folded towel to dry for about 24 hours.

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