2024.2.21 - Nora - How to make shower steamer bomb?

norayan   ·   发表于 2024-2-21   ·   淋浴片使用以及功效

1. Start by dissolving your menthol crystals. Place them in a cup and add the essential oils. Essential oils will dissolve the menthol crystals. To make the process faster or if you don't want to use essential oils, use rubbing alcohol to melt the menthol.

2. ln a large bowl, combine baking soda, citric acid and cornstarch.

3. Mix in the dissolved menthol and essential oils.

4. Add color. Just like with bath bombs, it is important to mix all the ingredients well.I always start by mixing with a whisk and finish mixing with hands.

5. The final mixture should resemble damp sand. Squeeze it in your palm. lf the mixture stays together, it's ready. lf it crumbles, spray some alcohol/witch hazel, mix and try again.

6. Make your molds and pack them tightly with the mixture. Keep the mixture in the mold for a minute and then remove from the mold to dry.

7. Let the shower steamers dry overnight. Make sure they are not exposed to any moisture to prevent citric acid from activating.l like to place some dry rice around my steamers while drying. Rice absorbs moisture allowing my fizzies to dry nicely.

8. Something to be aware of is that some of the scent will disappear while drying.l know. Life is unfair. To compensate for the lost scent, add a couple of drops of essential oils to the finished steamers. ldeally somewhere on the bottom, so it wouldn't be seen.

9. Once fully dry, your shower steamers are ready to be used. Store them in a dry place. You can keep them in an airtight container.

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