2024-01-24+Mina+Where do you put a shower steamer

mina   ·   发表于 2024-1-24   ·   淋浴片使用以及功效

Where do you put a shower steamer?

A shower steamer is popular in the market recently, where do you put a shower steamer? Here are some tips for your reference.

They are tablets that fizz as water or steam touches them, and then release an incredible scent depending on what oils are blended into the shower steamer. You can find them in any size, color, and aroma.

Well, where do you put a shower steamer? Of course, put in on the floor of the shower room, 

 Make sure that the shower steamer is not directly under the heavy stream. You can put it in the corner of the shower room, just need a small water stream to release the fragrance.

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