2024.1.24 - Nora - Can I put a shower steamer in the bath?

norayan   ·   发表于 2024-1-24   ·   淋浴片使用以及功效

Since shower steamers are considered a type of aromatherapy, they're not meant for extended contact with the skin.

Shower steamers activate by wetting, they bubble up and release vapors filled with the scent of essential oils into the air, creating an enjoyable steam room effect. Breath in and experience the magic of aroma.

A shower steamer will sit on a shelf, or ideally hang in a mesh pouch in the shower. The water will activate the shower steamer, turning your shower into an aromatherapy session without much contact – or effort! – on your part. Bath bombs are thrown into the water before or during bath time which means direct contact. For zero contact, especially if you have sensitive skin, opt for one of our shower steamers! They come with everything you need, including a mesh pouch to help it last for multiple showers. 

Can You Use a Bath Bomb as a Shower Steamer?

Just like we advise against using a shower steamer as a makeshift bath bomb, we don’t recommend using a bath bomb as a shower steamer. While a bath bomb in the shower isn’t dangerous, it won’t be near as fun as using one in the bath. 

Also, once your bath bomb is exposed to steam, the active ingredients become ineffective. Not only are you saying goodbye to the “bomb” in bath bomb, but you’ll also basically watch everything wash away down the drain – literally. 

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