2024.1.23 + Nora+What does a shower steamer do?

norayan   ·   发表于 2024-1-23   ·   淋浴片使用以及功效

Put simply, a shower steamer is basically a bath bomb for your shower. It brings with it all the same benefits – but also allows you to enjoy them without the time and water bill costs running a bath incurs! They’re super easy to use and, once a steamer essential oils have been released, will allow you to enjoy a gorgeous aroma that’s sure to help you relax and unwind. 

Shower steamers are a great way to turn your shower into an aromatherapy experience. Combining essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients, these small shower steamers create a fragrant, therapeutic atmosphere that can have a positive impact on both your mood and health.

A shower steamer is essentially a bath bomb for your shower. It fizzes and releases essential oils into your shower to create an amazing, aromatherapeutic experience. Shower steamers help create a similar luxurious experience in everyday showers that were once reserved for fancy spas. Not only do aromatherapy shower steamers smell absolutely incredible, but the essential oils found in the products also help promote relaxation, well-being, and rebalancing!

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