2024.01.20 Mina +How to make a shower steamer

mina   ·   发表于 2024-1-20   ·   淋浴片使用以及功效

How to make a shower steamer

At the beginning of 2024, shower steamer is hot-selling in USA market, I believe that it will be hot-selling in other market soon. The sales report of Amazon in the United States shows that the number of sellers of shower sheets is still increasing. It can be seen that shower sheets are a good item for the New Year. Well, do you know how to make a shower steamer?


Raw material preparation:

Sodium Bicarbonate,Citric Acid ,Sodium carbonate,Pentasodium Triphosphat.More details,kindly feel free to contact us(Boymay Cosmetics)



Production steps:

1. Mixing ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine Sodium Bicarbonate,Citric Acid ,Sodium carbonate,Pentasodium Triphosphat

2. Add essential oil: Add pure natural essential oils , this steps to ensure the fragrance ofthe shower steamers tablets or blocks.

3. Thoroughly mix: Utilize a blender to thoroughly blend the dry ingredients and essential oils.

4. Gradually add water: Gradually add water, stirring as you go, until all ingredients are well combined. Adding water slowly can prevent premature foaming and prevent air holes in the shower steamer.

5. Mold making: Pour the mixed raw materials into the mold. This step can control the size and shape of the shower sheet and compact the raw materials.

6. Dry: Allow the shower steamer to dry and harden in the mold for at least 24 hours in a cool, dry place.

7. Remove from mold: Carefully remove the dried shower bombs from the mold by gently tapping if using a plastic mold may be necessary for release.

8.Storage: Store shower steamer tablets in an airtight container or bag until use.


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