战神队 - How to use our Shower Steamers?

ginnie   ·   发表于 2022-10-15   ·   淋浴片使用以及功效
  • How to Get an Enjoyable Home SPA: Pick the tablet scent you like, remove the plastic film, snap half of the tablet, store the other half in the sealable bag in the package, and place our Poleview steamer tablet on the floor where there is no heavy stream that prevents it from being submerged, but is water going through. Then, adjust the water temperature (the water with a temperature >40 ℃ or >104℉ will be better). Here you go! Just enjoy your immersive home-SPA!
  • 如何获得愉快的家庭 SPA:选择您喜欢的药片香味,撕掉塑料薄膜,折断一半药片,将另一半储存在包装内的可密封袋中,然后将我们的Poleview 蒸汽药片放在地板上没有阻止它被淹没的沉重的溪流,而是水流过。然后,调整水温(温度>40℃或>104℉的水会更好)。干得好!尽情享受您身临其境的家庭SPA吧!
2 条回复   |  直到 2022-11-16 | 365 次浏览

发表于 2022-11-16

Tips and Tricks for Using Shower Steamers
- Reactivate the shower steamer by getting it wet whenever you need to. It will start to fizzle again and continue filling the shower with a beautiful aroma.
- Hot, steamy showers are a perfect combo with shower steamers as the steam will help release the essential oils into the air. But, if you prefer a cold shower,
that's okay too. You simply need to wet the shower steamer to activate it.
- If the shower steamer's smell is too strong for you, you can hang it on the shower head or the faucet instead of putting it on the floor.

- 需要时随时弄湿淋浴片以重新激活它。它会再次开始发出嘶嘶声,并继续让淋浴充满美丽的香气。
- 热腾腾的淋浴是淋浴片的完美组合,因为蒸汽有助于将精油释放到空气中。但是,如果您更喜欢冷水淋浴,
- 如果您觉得蒸笼的气味太重,您可以将它挂在花洒头或水龙头上,而不是放在地板上。


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发表于 2022-11-16

  • TIPS: Choose one shower steamers in the corner of the shower. To make the effect of the shower bombs better, please avoid heavy stream areas, the best way is to insert under the light stream. Scented to relieve stress, our shower steamers self-care, different from other shower sheets, our products are non-slip, pure natural plant essential oils with cruelty-free, let your family and children use them at ease, allowing you to be completely immersed in a feeling-good environment.

  • 使用技巧:选择一颗淋浴片放在淋浴间的角落。为使淋浴片的效果更好,请避开大水流区域,最好插入小水流下方。香味舒缓压力,我们的淋浴片自我护理,不同于其他淋浴床单,我们的产品防滑,纯天然植物精油,无残忍,让您的家人和孩子放心使用,让您完全沉浸在一个感觉良好的环境中。


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